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Collapse Caldera Workshop 2010

"Dynamics of caldera: collapse and unrest"

October 3-9, 2010 - La Réunion Island

Following the 1st and 2nd Workshop on Collapse Calderas held at Las Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, and Queretaro, Mexico, on October, 2005 and 2008, the 3rd Workshop on Collapse Calderas will be held in La Réunion Island between October 3-9, 2010.

La Réunion Island is the site of one of the world's most active shield volcanoes, i.e. Piton de la Fournaise, which experienced the most recent caldera collapse in April 2007 and recurrent collapse events during its evolution. The island is also built by an extinct shield volcano, Piton de Neiges, whose latter activity was characterised by large explosive eruptions yielding several ignimbrites. This volcano is now intensively incised by 2000m deep canyons where subsurface structures (sheet intrusions, gabbro bodies and faults) outcrop.

Caldeira formée en avril 2007 au Piton de la Fournaise.
Caldeira formée en avril 2007 au Piton de la Fournaise.

The purpose of the workshop is to evaluate the present state of knowledge on collapse calderas, focusing on the dynamics and modelling of both silicic and basaltic calderas. We propose to structure the workshop around the following sessions:

1. From pit craters to large calderas on basaltic volcanoes: origin of the collapse structure.
2. Silicic calderas on stratovolcanoes and supervolcanoes: just a matter of size?
3. Planetary calderas.
4. Influence of regional inheritance and stress field in caldera development.
5. Collapse, eruption dynamics, deposits and geometry of the caldera.
6. Modelling caldera unrest, collapse and post collapse.
7. Geophysical and geochemical monitoring of calderas.
8. Patterns of post caldera magmatic and volcanic activity.
9. Assessment and mitigation of risk associated to calderas.

Moreover, we would like to promote (i) general discussions on conceptual aspects such as "the definition of a caldera" or "the relevancy for comparing basaltic and silicic calderas" and (ii) discussions organised and chaired by PhD students on topics of their own choice.

Field excursions will be organised on Piton des Neiges where ignimbrites and subsurface intrusions outcrop and on Piton de la Fournaise that shows large concentric calderas and the recent April 2007 summit caldera. In addition, field work will also focus on two hot topics on caldera studies: i) vertical vs. lateral collapses in caldera environments, ii) caldera migration.

In order to achieve these objectives we wish to gather a group of scientists interested in discussing these topics. The Workshop is being co-sponsored by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI), the Université de La Réunion, the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory and the Regional and General Councils of Reunion Island.

Call for papers, registration deadline and cost: We encourage the community working on calderas to submit an extended abstract to the workshop by sending an e-mail to either of the conveners. Expected costs will be around 650€ (400€ for students), including hotel and meals during the workshop, fieldtrips, and transportation to and from the airport to the workshop's venue. Participants could benefit from discount flight tickets from Paris to Reunion Island. Please contact the conveners for information. The workshop is limited to 100 participants. Graduate students are welcome to attend and limited financial assistance will be available.


Laurent Michon: Laboratoire GéoSciences, Université de La Réunion, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, [email protected] Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

Patrick Bachèlery: Laboratoire GéoSciences, Université de La Réunion, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, [email protected] Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

Andrea di Muro: Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, [email protected] Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

New deadlines

Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2010

Registration deadline: February 28, 2010

Graduate student financial aid request deadline: Ferbuary 28, 2010

There will not be on site registration.

Note: The workshop will be limited to 100 participants, with a first-come, first-served basis. Most of the working group on calderas have already signed in, so we recommend to pre-register as soon as possible in order to secure a place in this event.

Abstract submission

We are going to arrange the abstract book to be fully referenced and published. Further details will be posted as soon as they are available. We invite you to also include figures and tables in the abstract, but note that we require your contribution in RTF format.
Abstract preparation guidelines :



Course on collapse caldera

The commission on Collapse Caldera of IAVCEI organises a pre-workshop international course between September 30 and October 2.

A wide range of topics dealing with collapse calderas will be addressed during the first two days (see program below). The third day will be focus on visiting multi-parameter stations of the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory installed on the volcano. A visit of the observatory is also planned.

Instructors will be:

Prof. Joan Marti
Module 1: General concepts of collapse calderas
Module 2: Dynamics of caldera-forming eruptions

Prof. Ray Cas
Module 3: Field studies on Collapse Calderas

Dr. Valerio Acocella
Module 4: Analogue models on Collapse Calderas

Dr. Adelina Geyer
Module 5: Numerical models on Collapse Calderas

Dr. Anthony Finizola
Module 6: Geophysical imaging on collapse calderas

Dr. Andrea di Muro
Module 7: Monitoring collapse calderas

Dr. Laurent Michon
Module 8: Case-study Reunion Island

Registration fees are of 150€ including hotel, meals, travel from the airport and field trip on Piton de la Fournaise.


As for the previous Collapse Caldera Workshops, cost includes:

* Hotel room from Oct. 3-9 on a double standard basis. Single rooms are available for an extra cost (ask to Laurent Michon via e-mail).

* All meals.

* Land transportation in specially rented buses to and from Roland Garros International airport to the workshop site.

* Field trips, box lunch and guidebook.

* Workshop abstracts volume.

Only bank transfers can be accepted.
Upon transfer, PLEASE RETAIN AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE TRANSFER STATEMENT and send as email attachment (.jpeg or .pdf) to Laurent Michon ( [email protected] )

Please make the deposit payable to:

Account: 19906 00974 76498832001 34
IBAN: FR76 1990 6009 7476 4988 3200 134

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