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Local Group Velocity of Ionospheric Waves Induced by Earthquakes
Crespon, F. ,Garcia, R., Occhipinti, G. and Lognonné, P.
AGU, San Francisco, December 2005

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SPECTRE ( a web Service for Ionospheric Products
Jeansou, E., Crespon, F., Garcia, R., Helbert, J., Moreaux, G. and Lognonné, P.
AGU, San Francisco, December 2005

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Modelling and Detection of the Ionospheric perturbation associated to the tsunami of December 26th, 2004
G.Occhipinti, P.Lognonné, E.Alam Kherani, H. Hébèrt
AGU, San Francisco, December 2005

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Detecting atmospheric perturbations produced by Venus quakes
R. Garcia, P. Lognonné, X. Bonnin
AGU, San Francisco, December 2005

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Mesure et modélisation des propriétés optiques des feuilles
Laurent Bousquet, Stéphane Jacquemoud et Ismaël Moya
11eme congrès des étudiants-chercheurs du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France, novembre 2005

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Leaf BRDF and BTDF measurements and model
Laurent Bousquet, Stéphane Jacquemoud et Ismaël Moya
The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS 9) Beijing, China, Oct 2005

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Ionospheric post-seismic perturbations following the Tokachi-Oki earthquake from high rate GPS japanese data: wave source and propagation
Crespon, F., Occhipinti, G., Garcia, R., Lognonné, P. and Murakami, M.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Computing of normal modes for a spherical Planet with a realistic atmosphere: Venus, a good benchmark
G.Occhipinti, P.Lognonné, R. Garcia
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Modeling of surface and subsurface loads for the major martian volcanoes: implications for dynamic mantle processes on the planet
V.Belleguic, M.Wieczorek, P.Lognonné
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Formation of martian volcanic provinces by flushing of the deep mantle?
P. van Thienen and Ph. Lognonné
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Detection of the Ionospheric perturbation associated to the tsunami of December 26th, 2004 with Topex and Jason-1 TEC data
P.Lognonné, E.Jeansou, R.Garcia, J.Artru, G.Occhipinti, F.Crespon, J.Achache, H.Helbert, G. Moreaux
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Observations of post- seismic ionospheric disturbances following the great Sumatra event from GPS data
R.Garcia, F. Crespon and P. Lognonné
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2005

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Modeling of surface and subsurface loads for the major martian volcanoes: implications for dynamic mantle processes on the planet
V. Belleguic, M. Wieczorek and Ph. Lognonné
36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, League City, Texas, USA, March 2005

[pdf] (912 ko)

Formation of Martian volcanic provinces by lower mantle flushing?
P. van Thienen and Ph Lognonné
36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, League City, Texas, USA, March 2005

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Seismic Interior/Atmospheric Coupling on Venus
Lognonné, P.; Occhipinti, G.; Garcia, R.
36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, League City, Texas, USA, March 2005

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The evolution of planetary geodynamics modulated by water
P. van Thienen and Ph. Lognonné
First Mars Express Science Conference, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, February 2005

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