Publications 2003
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Bazin S., A.J. Harding, G.M. Kent, J.A. Orcutt, S.C. Singh, C.H. Tong, J.W. Pye, P.J. Barton, M.C. Sinha, R.S. White, R.W. Hobbs, H.J.A. van Avendonk (2003) - A three-dimensional study of axial low velocity beneath the 9°03'N overlapping spreading center.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (2), 1039, doi:10.1029/2002GL015137.
Bonneville A. (2003) - Les paysages sous-marins du Pacifique.
In : Le Grand Océan : Le temps et lespace du Pacifique, approche pluridisciplinaire. Geord Ed., Genève.
Cannat M., C. Rommevaux-Jestin, H. Fujimoto (2003) - Melt supply variations to a magma-poor ultra-slow spreading ridge (Southwest Indian Ridge 61° to 69°E).
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4 (8), doi:10,1029/2002GC000480.
Clouard V., A. Bonneville (2003) - Submarine landslides in Society and Austral Islands, French Polynesia: evolution with the age of edifices.
In : Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences. J. Locat, J. Mienert (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 335-341.
Clouard V., A. Bonneville, P.Y. Gillot (2003) - The Tarava seamounts: a new but extinct hotspot chain on the South Pacific Superswell.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 207 (1-4), 117-130.
Crawford W.C., J.A. Hildebrand, L.M. Dorman, S.C. Webb, D.A. Wiens (2003) - Tonga Ridge and Lau Basin crustal structure from seismic refraction data.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B4), 2195, doi:10.1029/2001JB001435.
Escartín J., C. Mével, C.J. MacLeod, A.M. McCaig (2003) - Constraints on deformation conditions and the origin of oceanic detachments: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge core complex at 15°45'N.
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4 (8), 1067, doi:10.1029/2001GC000278.
Escartín J., D.K. Smith, M. Cannat (2003) - Parallel bands of seismicity at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 12°-14°.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (12), 1620, doi:10.1029/2003GL017226.
Gac S., J. Dyment, C. Tisseau, J. Goslin (2003) - Axial magnetic anomalies over slow-spreading ridge segments: insights from numerical 3-D thermal and physical modelling.
Geophys. J. Int., 154 (3), 618-632.
Gente P., J. Dyment, M. Maia, J. Goslin (2003) - Interaction between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Azores Hotspot during the last 85 Ma : emplacement and rifting of the hotspot-derived plateaus.
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4 (10), 8514, doi:10.1029/2003GC000527.
Hobro J.W.D., S.C. Singh, T.A. Minshull (2003) - Three-dimensional tomographic inversion of combined reflection and refraction seismic traveltime data.
Geophys. J. Int., 152 (1), 7993.
Hulme T., A. Ricolleau, S. Bazin, W.C. Crawford, S.C. Singh (2003) - Shear wave structure from joint analysis of seismic and seafloor compliance data.
Geophys. J. Int., 155 (2), 514-520.
Jones G.D., P.J. Barton, S.C. Singh (2003) - Combined structure and velocity stacks via the tau-p transform.
Geophys. Prospect., 51 (3), 205213.
Leturmy P., Lucazeau F., F. Brigaud (2003) - Dynamic interactions between the gulf of Guinea passive margin and the Congo river drainage basin: 1. Morphology and mass balance.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B8), 2383, doi:10.1029/2002JB001927.
Lucazeau F., F. Brigaud, P. Leturmy (2003) - Dynamic interactions between the gulf of Guinea passive margin and the Congo river drainage basin: 2. Isostasy and uplift.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B8), 2384, doi:10.1029/2002JB001928.
MacLeod C.J., J. Escartín, D. Banerji, G.J. Banks, M. Gleeson, D.H.B. Irving, R.M. Lilly, A. McCaig, Y.-L. Niu, S. Allerton, D.K. Smith (2003) - Direct geologic evidence for oceanic detachment faulting: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°45'N: Reply.
Geology, Online Forum pp. e15..
Mendel V., D. Sauter, C. Rommevaux-Jestin, P. Patriat, F. Lefebvre, L.M. Parson (2003) - Magmato-tectonic cyclicity at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from variations of axial volcanic ridge morphology and abyssal hills pattern.
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4 (5), 9102, doi:10.1029/2002GC000417.
Mével C. (2003) - Serpentinization of abyssal peridotites at mid-ocean ridges..
C.R. Geosciences, 335 (10-11), 825-852.
Meyzen C.M., M.J. Toplis, E. Humler, J.N. Ludden, C. Mével (2003) - A discontinuity in mantle composition beneath the southwest Indian ridge.
Nature, 421, 731-733.
Rousse S., S. Gilder, D. Farber, B. McNulty, P. Patriat, V. Torres, T. Sempere (2003) - Paleomagnetic tracking of mountain building in the Peruvian Andes since 10 Ma.
Tectonics, 22 (5), 1048, doi:10.1029/2003TC001508.
Sasagawa G.S., W. Crawford, O. Eiken, S. Nooner, T. Stenvold, M. Zumberge (2003) - A new seafloor gravimeter.
Geophysics, 68 (2), 544-553.
Searle R.C., M. Cannat, K. Fujioka, C. Mével, H. Fujimoto, A. Bralee, L. Parson (2003) - FUJI Dome: A large detachment fault near 64°E on the very slow-spreading southwest Indian Ridge.
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4(8), 9105, doi:10.1029/2003GC000519.
Seyler M., M. Cannat, C. Mével (2003) - Evidence for major-element heterogeneity in the mantle source of abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge (52° to 68°E).
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 4 (2), 9101, doi:10.1029/2002GC000305.
Smith D.K., J. Escartín, M. Cannat, M. Tolstoy, C.G. Fox, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, S. Bazin (2003) - Spatial and temporal distribution of seismicity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B3), 2167, doi:10.1029/2002JB001964.
Tiwari V.M., M. Diament, S.C. Singh (2003) - Analysis of satellite gravity and bathymetry data over Ninety-East Ridge: Variation in the compensation mechanism and implication for emplacement process.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B2), 2109, doi:10.1029/2000JB000047.
Tong C.H., P.J. Barton, R.S. White, M.C. Sinha, S.C. Singh, J.W. Pye, R.W. Hobbs, S. Bazin, A.J. Harding, G.M. Kent, J.A. Orcutt (2003) - Influence of enhanced melt supply on upper crustal structure at a mid-ocean ridge discontinuity: A three-dimensional seismic tomographic study of 9°N East Pacific Rise.
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (B10), 2464, doi:10.1029/2002JB002163.
Wang Y., S.C. Singh (2003) - Separation of
P- and
S-wavefields from wide-angle multicomponent OBC data for a basalt model.
Geophys. Prosp., 51 (3), 233245.